Supporting Work Placements

Getting a chance to showcase their skills is vitally important to our learners and we appreciate the support we have from hundreds of local employers who welcome NSCG learners on to placements.
Work Placements are a short-term experience of employment. As part of a student’s college life, it is imperative that we ensure they are ready for the world of work. Students need opportunities to learn and expand their industry knowledge and it is important that as employers, you think of industry relevant opportunities as a way to give back to society.
To find out more fill out our form below or contact:
01782 254287 (Newcastle) or 01785 275660 (Stafford)
We are looking for employers who can offer short work experience opportunities of between 3 days to a week. Taking on work placements are a way to gain extra resources for day-to-day projects, to attract motivated young people who bring with them imaginative and new ideas and they create an opportunity for staff to up-skill in coaching and mentoring on a short term basis.