Work Placements for Students
As part of college life, it is imperative that we ensure you are ready for the world of work.
Work experience and industry placements are a short-term experience of employment. They help you think about what you would like to do when you finish college - and perhaps decide what you don't want to do.
As part of your course, there will be regular tutorials and information available on the student portal about employability skills and the work of work. We'll make sure you know what to expect from work experience and how to get the best out of it.
You'll cover topics such as:
- Finding a placement
- CV Writing Skills
- How to approach employers about work opportunities
- Time management
- How to dress appropriately for the workplace
- How to interact with employers and new colleagues

You'll also develop key skills that employers want:
- Critical Thinking
- Numeracy
- Literacy
- Digital
- Working with others
- Resilience
- Time management
- Communication
- Confidence
- Technical skills
The amount of work experience you do, and when you do it, will depend on which course you are studying. Your teaching staff will advise you of how many work experience hours you need to complete, but for most courses, it will be a minimum of 3 days.
We believe that work experience helps you to:
- Enhance your CV/university personal statement
- Build confidence
- Gain references and contacts within your chosen industry
- Put what you are learning at college into practice
- Find out more about the roles available within different industries
- Enhance your employability skills