Student Services
You're in safe hands. Our Student Services Team can help you to make the most of your time with us in all sorts of ways. From financial support, careers advice and specialist help to additional learning support and more.
Safeguarding & Wellbeing Officers
If you’re struggling to attend college or are having problems in your college or personal life, don’t worry. Our Safeguarding & Wellbeing Officers will be here to ensure you are offered help and support. Our service and advice is always impartial and where appropriate we can act as an advocate for you within your curriculum area.
Our Safeguarding & Wellbeing Officers can offer a range of support, including:
- Mentoring and support with transition from school to college
- Confidential and impartial 1:1 support to help you stay on track
- Support from outside agencies
- Support around lifestyle choices
There is a Safeguarding & Wellbeing Officer for each curriculum area so there is always a familiar face around to help.

Your Individual Learning Plan
To help you and your tutors track your progress, the College has developed a range of leading-edge tools so that you can complete an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which can be monitored and updated by yourself and your tutors.
We ask you to set your own targets and assess your own strengths and weaknesses - this helps you to see how well you are achieving and makes sure that you understand how to meet your targets. Many courses also use an electronic mark book which enables you to see your marks and grades on your ILP.
Your Academic Progress
Your Personal Tutor will help you to ensure you make good progress on your course and meet your deadlines and targets. You will have a series of one-to-one reviews with your Personal Tutor which cover a range of topics as the year unfolds - from how you are settling in at the start, turning to your on-going progress as your programme develops, and then onto your plans for the future towards the end of the course.
Specialist Support
We know it’s important for you to get expert, confidential help if there’s something worrying you. That’s why we offer you easy access to a range of specialist support agencies. Also, we have a college counsellor on-site.
Personal Tutors
All full-time students get a personal tutor: a friendly member of staff who will be your ‘go to’ person in relation to your academic progress and support.
Your Student Essentials Guide
To help you settle into college life, we’ve produced a Student Essentials Guide, packed with lots of useful information on life at NSCG.
The guide will give you an overview of the friendly support available here, financial hints and tips, useful information on travel and general housekeeping, and much more. You will be given a physical copy in your first few weeks and digital copies are available.