Mental Health Matters
There are little things we can all do to help look after our mental health.
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.
When you're in college we want you to know that we are here for you, if you need advice, support or guidance. Remember it’s okay not to be okay, nobody has to struggle in silence.
Check out our Mental Health Matters 'Top 10 Tips' video for inspiration on how to support your mental health.
If you’re in need of a safe space to talk our Confidential Counsellors are trained to listen and to help you find your own answers without judging you.
Newcastle Campus:
Appointments are available with Tim Copsey and can be made by getting in touch via your Student Welfare Officer.
Email: tim.copsey@nscg.ac.uk
Text/Call: 07816 098868
Stafford Campus:
Appointments are available with Maria Antoniou and can be made by getting in touch via your Student Welfare Officer.
Email: maria.antoniou@nscg.ac.uk
Text/Call: 07834790301
Let's Get Together
We're getting our college community walking and talking with a BRAND NEW lunchtime initiative called 'Walkie Talkies'.
Physical activity is proven to enhance our well-being, increase our self-esteem and reduce stress and anxiety, and walking in a group is a great way to get started and stay motivated. So, why not take a break from your usual environment and join supportive, like-minded individuals on a regular lunchtime stroll.
Participants have the choice to join us for 10 minutes, 20 minutes or the full 30 minutes. The aim is to take a break and refocus, while talking to others and making new connections.
Our Next Sessions:
Newcastle Campus:
Every Wednesday, 12.30pm - 1pm
Meet in the main campus reception.
Stafford Campus:
Every Monday, 12noon - 12.30pm
Meet in the Science & Technology reception.
Mental Health Charter
We recognise that our college has a responsibility to create an environment that promotes student and staff wellbeing and that proactively supports student and staff mental health.
That's why we've signed up to the Association of Colleges (AoC) Mental Health and Wellbeing Charter.
- Ensure that wellbeing and mental health work is led by a senior manager supported by a member of staff with particular responsibility for mental health.
- Have a wellbeing and mental health policy accompanied by a clear implementation action plan which is monitored regularly and reviewed annually.
- Create an open and inclusive college ethos which includes respect for those with mental ill health.
- Promote equality of opportunity and challenge mental health stigma through curriculum teaching and also promote wellbeing through tutorial programmes.
- Provide appropriate mental health training for staff.
- Encourage and collect student views on mental health and wellbeing by working with the Students’ Union and other student representative bodies.
- Ensure a consistent and positive approach to staff wellbeing.
- Provide targeted individual mental health support where appropriate or alternatively signpost to external support services.
- Provide relevant information to parents and carers.
- Establish effective links with local health and voluntary sector mental health groups.
- Promote the benefit that physical activity and sport has on mental wellbeing.
Below is a list of local and UK based charities with numerous resources available to support your mental health.
Allsorts Youth Project listens to, connects & supports children & young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBT+).
Action for Happiness is a movement of people committed to building a happier and more caring society. We want to see a fundamentally different way of life - where people care less about what they can get just for themselves and more about the happiness of others.
Battle Scars is a small, dedicated, 100% survivor-led and run charity offering local, regional, national as well as international support around self-harm. Email info@battle-scars.org.uk.
Beat act as a champion, guide and friend to anyone affected by eating disorders, giving individuals experiencing an eating disorder and their loved ones a place where they feel listened to, supported and empowered.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) is a helpline for young males aged 16 to 35 years, suffering from depression and low self-esteem. It offers counselling, advice and information. You can chat online via their website or call 0800 58 58 58.
My CAMHS Choices is a website that provides necessary information required to help young people make meaningful choices about their care.
Childline provides help for anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Call 0800 11 11.
Cruse Bereavement Support help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning. Call 0808 808 1677.
Ditch The Label help young people navigate through issues related to bullying, such as improving mental health, body image, coming out and building confidence and self-esteem.
Every Mind Matters is the NHS led response to tackling mental health issues. It’s packed full of expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing, to discover what works for you.
Galop support LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence. Call 0800 999 5428. Email help@galop.org.uk.
Glow is a charity, support network and service partner working to ensure that everyone within the region has access to education and support that prevents and fights to end anyone feeling or being victim to an abusive relationship. Call 0330 0945 559.
Grief Encounter have been providing free, professional and specialist bereavement support services for over 15 years. Call 0808 802 0111.
Hub of Hope is the UK's largest mental health directory.
Karma Nivarna were established in 1993 as the first specialist charity for victims and survivors. They are committed to ending Honour Based Abuse in the UK. Call 0800 5999 247.
ManKind provides an information, support and signposting service to men suffering from domestic abuse from their current or former wife, partner (including same-sex partner) or husband. Call 01823 334 244.
Mermaids has been supporting transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families since 1995. Call 0808 8010 400.
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health issue. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. Call 0300 123 3393. Email info@mind.org.uk.
MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans and queer people with experience of mental health issues.
Muslim Youth Helpline is a charity that provides free and confidential faith and culturally sensitive support services targeted at vulnerable young people in the UK.
National Self Harm Network is a forum that provides support for individuals who self-harm, and for families and carers that may be affected by self-harm.
The National Association for People Abused in Childhood (NAPAC) is the UK’s leading national charity offering support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. Call 0808 801 0331.
NSPCC is the UK's leading children’s charity. Call 0800 1111.
Papyrus gives non-judgemental support, advice and information for those dealing with suicide, depression or emotional distress. Call 0800 068 41 41, text 07860 039967 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org.
Rape Crisis England & Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse. Live web chat available on their website.
Men’s Advice Line is a team of friendly Advisors who will listen and believe you. The team are available to offer you non-judgmental support, practical advice and information. Call 0808 8010 327. Email info@mensadviceline.org.uk.
Refuge is committed to a world where domestic violence and violence against women and girls is not tolerated and where women and children can live in safety. Call 0808 2000 247.
Established in 1994, Safeline is a specialist charity that works to prevent sexual violence and abuse and support those affected to cope and recover. Call 0808 800 5005, text 07860 065187.
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. Call 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org.
Selfharm UK exist in order to support and nurture young people who may be experiencing difficulties with selfharm.
Self-injury Support - support for women and girls, resources and training for all.
Call 0808 800 8088
Shore Space is a safe space for teens worried about sexual behaviour.
SOS Silence of Suicide was founded by Michael Mansfield QC and his wife Yvette Greenway-Mansfield, following personal experiences of loss by suicide. Their aims are simple – from the start, they realised the importance of communication, compassion and kindness to reduce shame, stigma and silence around mental health and suicide.
Call 0300 1020 505
Stonewall stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. Stonewall imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be themselves and can live their lives to the full.
Student Minds is a mental health charity that works with students, service users, professionals and academics to develop new and innovative ways to improve the mental health of students.
Students Against Depression is a website offering advice, information, guidance and resources to those affected by low mood, depression and suicidal thinking.
Staffordshire Women’s Aid is a specialist service who have been providing Domestic and Sexual Violence Services since 1976. Call 0300 330 59 59.
The Good Grief Trust is run by the bereaved for the bereaved.
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline is a team of highly-trained, female advisers.
Call 0808 2000 247
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. We are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs.
The Proud Trust is an LGBT+ organisation that supports LGBT+ young people through youth groups, peer support, mentoring programs and the Proud Connections chat service. Live chat available on their website.
The Survivors Trust is the largest umbrella agency for specialist rape and sexual abuse services in the UK and has been providing infrastructure support to our members for the past 15 years. Call 08088 010818.
Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.
Email helpline@womensaid.org.uk or you can chat online via their website.
Winstons Wish was the UK’s first childhood bereavement charity and have been supporting grieving children and young people since 1992. Call 08088 020 021.
Young Minds provides information, advice and training for young people, parents, carers and professionals. Text YM to 85258.