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Former Newcastle College Student Named Runner Up in Prestigious Awards

Following the Association of Colleges (AoC) Student of the Year Awards, we’re pleased to share the news that former NSCG Newcastle College student Gloria Neligwa, was recognised in the AQA Project Excellence Award.

Gloria, who is now studying Medicine at the University of Cambridge, was announced as a finalist in October. She attended the prestigious event accompanied by her father on November 14 where she was announced as the runner-up in the Project Excellence category which is sponsored by exam board AQA.

The standard of entry was extremely high this year, and in some categories, the judges selected more than one runner-up. You can find out more about the finalists on the AoC Awards website here.

AoC President Corrienne Peasgood, said: “Each year the level of applications is extremely high, and it goes to show the fantastic work that students are doing in colleges as well as the lengths colleges go to support their students.

“Well done, Gloria on being a runner-up, you should be extremely proud.”

Gloria, who studied A Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Further Maths, was nominated in the AQA Project Excellence award category for the outstanding work she put into her EPQ Project which addressed the contentious question, ‘Could it be argued that dehumanisation in medical research and practice has been beneficial?’

Gloria said: “I was thrilled to find out I had been shortlisted in the AQA Project Excellence award category, so to have made it the final three is incredibly exciting.

“I was taken aback to discover I had even been nominated but would like to say a big thank you to Newcastle College for acknowledging the work I had put into my EPQ project.”

We are so proud of you, Gloria, to be recognised in these awards is an incredible achievement. What a bright future you have ahead of you.