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Get to Know Your Students Union Disability Officer for Stafford College

Let’s get to know the NSCG Students' Union (SU) Team for 2023/24! Read on to find out more about what your new officers want to achieve in their roles this year and discover a few fun facts about them too…

Find out more about Stafford College's SU Disability Officer, Holly Pindar

Name: Holly Pindar

Role: Students' Union Disability Officer at Stafford College

Studying: A Level English Language and Literature, A Level History, A Level Psychology

Former school: The Weston Road Academy


Why did you run for the position?

I have both a physical disability (hemiplegic cerebral palsy) and a neurological disability (autism), I am very aware of the difficulties that students with disabilities face, and so I think that I will be very effective in ensuring that the disabled students of the College are given a voice and that their ideas on how to improve the College are put into place.

What would you like to achieve during your post?

One of my ideas is to create a wellbeing area in every building of the college, so that students who struggle to cope in crowded areas or just need a place to calm down during the day have a place to go.

I also would like to make more accommodations for disabled students, such as having fidget toys and communication cards readily available in either classrooms or at Student Services. If possible, I would like to establish a committee of disabled students, so that we can discuss further improvements that can be made to the College so that it can be accessible to all.

What makes you passionate about this position?

I am very aware of how difficult the experience of college, or anywhere in education, can be for students who need extra support. However, I do believe it is possible for improvements to be made.

What are you looking forward to over the next 12 months?

Success in the subjects I’m studying and upcoming field trips and extracurricular activities.

What’s your favourite thing about studying at NSCG?

The amount of freedom I have here compared to school and how accessible it is here. For example, the lifts in every building and the free sanitary products.

Tell us a random/interesting fact about yourself

I’m double-jointed, but only in my hands.

What 5 words would your friends use to describe you?

Intelligent, determined, caring, funny and creative.

What are your hobbies/interests?

Reading, creative writing, going on walks with my dog

What’s your favourite NSCG hangout?

I like to study in either the library or the Skills and Innovation Centre. I usually eat lunch in Costa, but sometimes I also go in the Food Hall.

What are you listening to at the moment?

A lot of different songs usually, but nothing while I’m completing this survey, since I find music very distracting while doing work!