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Newcastle College Celebrates Inspirational Students with December 'Student of the Month' Awards

Each month Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group hold a ‘Student of the Month’ awards presentation at that highlights and recognises the individual effort, progress and dedication of students who go above and beyond throughout the year.

Highlighting and recognising the individual efforts, progress and dedication of students, the presentations included a number of inspirational stories from staff about their nominees who have gone above and beyond on their chosen course area. We were pleased to welcome Gena Leigh, the Head of IT at Siemens, as our special guest for this month's awards.

Charlotte Wesley

Nominated to receive the Award for the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Charlotte has shown an exceptional attitude towards her studies, always looking for opportunities to improve and taking a proactive approach in all areas. Charlotte completed her UCAS application well in advance of the deadline to a brilliant standard, receiving a personalised acknowledgement from her first choice university, Lincoln. She has an excellent attendance record and always shows support and offers to help others. In admiration of her work ethic, Charlotte’s lecturers have said, “I have been particularly impressed with Charlotte’s level of commitment, resilience and ability to work independently,” and “She always gains high grades and is a pleasure to teach as she inspires others to stretch themselves further.” Congratulations Charlotte, your achievements are an inspiration to everyone!


Aaron Butler

Nominated to receive Award for the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Aaron shows absolute commitment to his course, always extremely focused and determined in his studies and always going above and beyond what is expected resulting in him working at D*D*D* grades against a target of DDD. Aaron’s passion for his craft was evident when he took on the very important role of Assistant Director in the extremely successful pantomime, Peter Pan. He came in on his days off to ensure the show was set up, helping out with the dress rehearsal of the Stafford performance, giving the students and staff support for a very smooth run. Aaron is now focusing on his auditions for drama school, with hopes to move to London to pursue his career. We are certain Aaron has an incredibly bright future ahead of him!

Justin Tyson

Nominated to receive the Award for the Faculty of Professional Studies, Justin has continually proven himself to be an excellent, dedicated, independent and intelligent learner, impressing everyone who teaches him with his effort, focus and high level of technology awareness and skills at such a young age. His tutor has said, “Justin’s practical programming skills are some of the best staff have witnessed since teaching the programme.” His excellent work ethic has continued over to his T Level placement at CyberKiln, where many were impressed by his initial interview. Justin is incredibly driven, undertaking additional cyber security education and showing admirable willingness to take part in additional tasks that will help develop his skills further. We are certain that Justin’s fantastic approach and hard work will lead to a successful future in his career.


Congratulations to all other students with their outstanding achievements and admirable commitment to their studies.

Tyrian Cowell - Academic and Creative Studies Award

Holly Martin & Libby Warren - Vocational Studies Award

Sam Woolridge & Liam Chamberlain - Professional Studies Award

Emily Smith - Progression Studies Award

Amber Wright - Maths & English Award

George Basford - Apprentice of the Month Award