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Newcastle College Celebrates Student Success with January 'Student of the Month' Awards

Each month Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group hold a ‘Student of the Month’ awards presentation at that highlights and recognises the individual effort, progress and dedication of students who go above and beyond throughout the year.

Highlighting and recognising the individual efforts, progress and dedication of students, the presentations included a number of inspirational stories from staff about their nominees who have gone above and beyond on their chosen course area. We were pleased to welcome Martin Hamilton, Chief Executive of Newcastle Borough Council, as our special guest for this month's awards.

Kate Lindley Smith

Nominated for the Award for the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Kate is an exceptional student in both her creativity and commitment to fashion, with 100% attendance and a clear path to achieving D*D*D*. Her work is consistently of very high standard, showcasing her impressive talents within fashion design and always working well with peers. Kate’s portfolio work is exceptional, and shows such well thought-out fashion illustrations and outcomes. Her hard work and constant positivity are to be admired, along with her dedication to challenge the technical elements of fashion. We wish Kate good luck in her exciting future as she applies for Fashion Design courses at university.


Memphis Everill

Memphis has been nominated for the Skills & Technology Student of the Month Award, due to his admirable advocacy for the T-Level in Engineering (Design and Development). His enthusiastic approach to both classroom learning and placement work is hugely commendable, always maximising the opportunities he is presented with. Memphis strives to improve his knowledge and ability, engaging well with peers, employers and staff. Recently, Memphis has been helping to promote the T-Level pathway with the Gatsby Foundation through radio and media interviews. We are confident that Memphis has very bright future ahead of him.

Elysia Cotterill

Nominated for the Award for the Faculty of Professional Studies, Elysia joined NSCG to pursue her ultimate career goal of becoming an Accountant. Moving into a classroom based environment has been a challenge after a period of home-schooling, but is a challenge that Elysia has wholeheartedly embraced. Elysia has excellent attendance, despite living over 18 miles from college and continually excels in her assessments. Her commitment towards her studies and ultimate career goal shines through in everything she does. Elysia is already preparing for a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Accounting at NSCG next year, and following a recent employer visit from DJH Mitten Clarke, she has applied for a Level 3 placement. We wish Elysia all the best as she strives to achieve her dream career.


Congratulations to all other students with their outstanding achievements and admirable commitment to their studies.

Elnoy Greenenko and Kate Lindley Smith - Academic and Creative Studies Award

Abi Zwetschnikow, Mae Sawangchuen and Josh Shaw - Vocational Studies Award

Beth Brant and Elysia Cotterill - Professional Studies Award

Tammy Luto-Amison - Progression Studies Award

Olivia Tideswell - Maths & English Award

Memphis Everill - Skills & Technology Award

Chloe Gibson - Apprentice of the Month Award