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HE GRADUATION 2024 web 107

NSCG Celebrates Higher Education Learners with 'Student of the Year' Awards

Each year at our Higher Education Graduation we make a number of awards to recognise the outstanding achievements of our learners on our university-level courses.

Nicola Round: Engineering

Flying the flag for women in engineering, Nicola has continually produced consistently high quality work during her studies, meeting distinction-level criteria with ease. A determined learner who also works full time at GE Renewable Energy in Stafford, Nicola is always focused on her tasks and has a remarkable work ethic.

Noted by her lecturers for producing possibly one of the best pieces of work that the teaching staff have seen for a number of years which has been used as a case study for prospective learners, Nicola shows that it's never too late to study a university-level course to progress in your career.

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Hannah Rowe: Education

Mum of 5, Hannah originally completed a Level 3 qualification as a Teaching Assistant at NSCG, and after a chance meeting with her lecturer, she took the plunge and returned to the classroom and enrolled onto the Foundation Degree in Education - Awarded by Staffordshire University. 

Juggling parenthood and studying can be a challenge, but Hannah has show that by pushing herself and growing in confidence has helped her to reach her childhood ambition of working with children. A positive role model in the group, she contributes to class discussions and has been open about her own mental health challenges with her peers. Hannah has made steady and continued progress over the last two years and continues to develop her skills and knowledge which will be invaluable for a career in education.

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Craig Ostrouchow: Engineering

Having already achieved his Level 3 qualification with NSCG, Craig embarked on the HNC in Engineering as part of his Higher-Level Apprenticeship programme and has been a real asset to the course. Throughout his time with us, Craig has made excellent relationships with other students and staff members. He is always polite, positive, and willing to support his peers. His tutors all agree that Craig is incredibly hard working, a delight to have in class, is always punctual, and that his confidence has grown immensely over the years.

By day, Craig works full time at Capula, where we know he is highly regarded, and has recently been promoted to Project Manager which is a testament to his commitment and passion for engineering. Not only that, he also takes the time out of his busy schedule to promote the benefits of apprenticeships to local children.

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Nathan Evans: Computing

After completing a Level 3 qualification in Computing at NSCG back in 2017, Nathan initially chose to study at university, but during his second year he re-evaluated his options and chose to apply for a role in the IT Services Team here at NSCG.

Nathan was successful in his application, and as part of this role, he enrolled onto a Level 4 HNC in Computing on a part-time basis. Joining the course halfway through the academic year, Nathan studied tirelessly around his work commitments to complete the first stage of the HNC in a shorter period of time to ensure he could complete the course on schedule. Nathan undertook this task positively and was successful in completing his studies to distinction level.

Fast forward to 2024, and Nathan continues to work to the highest of standards, taking clear responsibility for his learning alongside his full-time role. Nathan is a well-respected and popular member of the college team who always has a 'can-do' attitude and a big smile.

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Chloe Birkin: Healthcare

Studying the HNC in Healthcare Professions' Support for England, Chloe has made incredible progress during her time on the course, and her hard work and dedication really has paid off.
Having previously studied Level 2 and 3 courses with us, and also achieving her all-important GCSE English, Chloe left us to initially pursue a career in dental nursing. She then chose to return to NSCG to study a university-level course and has been determined to successfully juggle her academic studies with employment as a residential children's worker. In this role, she has been able to complete way above the required work placement hours combining working long shifts with her academic studies at college and running her own home. 

Back in the classroom, Chloe has been noted as being mature in her approach to her studies and is is not afraid to ask questions to consolidate her understanding around topics. A dedicated and conscientious student with a commitment for every unit she is taught, has enabled her to attain Distinctions at every stage of the course. Whilst not ruling out progressing further on to a degree at university for the moment Chloe is continuing in employment and the aim of owning her first home is moving ever closer.

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Heidi Roper: Performing Arts

Heidi was nominated for this award for her sheer hard work and dedication. Her consistently high-achieving grades are a testament to her passion for learning and, her talent, enthusiasm and positive spirit has not gone unnoticed.

She has maintained a remarkable attendance record, displaying her dedication and commitment to higher education studies and the course, consistently going above and beyond in all her endeavours. In addition to excelling academically, Heidi has actively participated in numerous internal and external events, demonstrating her well-rounded nature and eagerness to engage with the course, the community and the wider performing arts industry.

Her role as Audrey in "Little Shop of Horrors" highlighted her remarkable performance skills and exceptional work ethic, always making positive contributions in rehearsals with a mature and professional outlook. Heidi's outstanding accomplishments and exemplary character make her a shining example of a student who truly deserves this prestigious recognition.
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Alex Brough: Digital Content Creation

From day 1 on the course, Alex has worked tirelessly to broaden his skills and knowledge, and every new discipline introduced has been met with drive and enthusiasm. This has often been infectious and Alex has always been willing to help his peers, discussing their work and offering visual and technical advice.

During his HND, Alex made excellent progress, making some highly sophisticated pieces of work during his assignments. The professionalism in his approach to his work has manifested itself with his work producing brand guidelines for a high-end clothing brand, and also the Advanced Digital Design project where he worked with local dog grooming business to plan, produce and publish a successful social media campaign.

Alex is noted by his lecturers as being a highly motivated, dedicated and passionate student, who goes above and beyond within his assignment work and self-directed study, in order to develop both his technical ability, visual sophistication and creativity. Alex leaves NSCG having gained a multitude of transferable skills across the disciplines of photography, moving image, graphic design, as well as branding, marketing and social media management.

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Verity Bellingham: Public Services

HND learner Verity has studied with us at NSCG since September 2019, and after completing a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services, she progressed onto the HNC and HND in Public Services. Verity has achieved excellent attendance and punctuality records, demonstrating her commitment to her studies and further ahead to her career in Policing.

Recently, Verity played a fundamental part in leading a group of students on a trip to Krakow for the ‘Managing Event’ unit. Students visited different landmarks in Krakow as well engaging in a trip to Auschwitz concentration camp. Verity particularly impressed staff by supporting another student who struggled to socialise with peers, ensuring she was included in all activities throughout the trip. Verity showed an excellent ability to lead the group, communicated effectively, led with confidence and provided support to all involved.

In addition to her studies with us, to enhance her career prospects for the future, Verity has voluntarily undertaken some additional online courses in mental health and public health; demonstrating her ongoing commitment to reaching her career goal. Verity has now secured a place on the Level 6 'top-up' degree at Staffordshire University where she will gain a full degree in Policing and Criminal Investigation. 
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