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Q&A with HYROX competitor and A-Level Student Emily Preston

A-Level student Emily Preston recently took part in the world-famous HYROX fitness event- an intense competition which sees participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional workout station, repeated eight times.

Since its launch in 2017, it has become the world’s largest mass participation Fitness Race so we caught up with Emily after her event to see what she thought of the experience.

When did you first consider competing in a Hyrox event?

When I watched my dad complete one of his first events last year- I went to watch him and fell in love with the event and the atmosphere as well as all the people doing it.

How did you find your first race?

It was incredible – very tough but definitely worth it


How did you prepare in the run up to the event?

I trained with my dad completing Hyrox classes every Wednesday at my gym, every Monday I would run 5-10k around Northwood running track and I would occasionally take part in the parkrun at Trentham Gardens. I did this for just under a year, and as the event got closer I started increasing my training sessions to every Wednesday, Saturday and running on Sunday as the event got closer.

How did you find balancing your training with your studies?

I managed to split my time fairly between the two: revising before my gym sessions in the evening and dedicating my free periods to complete my schoolwork and more revision. I would only train on weekends or in the evenings after school so I could focus on my studies during the days. As the competition took place the weekend before mocks, I bought my revision with me and did it in the car on the way to and from London and in the hotel in the evenings.

Do you think you’ll compete in another Hyrox race, or do you have anything else you’d like to try in the future?

I will absolutely complete another Hyrox, this was first of many to come. I hope to enter the Women’s Pros categories.

Do you have a go-to song for when you’re training?

Dancing with myself – Billy Idol

What’s your favourite thing about studying at NSCG?

The college has all the resources I need and the support from the teachers is amazing.

What’s your favourite NSCG hangout?

Starbucks – but you can’t beat the breakfast wraps from the canteen

Tell us a random/interesting fact about yourself

I am learning Japanese for an upcoming holiday to Japan in August – although I’m not very good

What series are you watching at the moment?

Criminal Minds