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Stafford College Celebrates Student Success with 'Student of the Month' Awards

Each month Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group hold a ‘Student of the Month’ awards presentation that highlights and recognises the individual effort, progress and dedication of students who go above and beyond throughout the year.

This month saw the first round of nominees of the academic year collect their awards. A huge thank you to Tim Clegg, Chief Executive of Stafford Borough Council, for joining us and presenting the learners with their awards as we highlighted and recognised the individual efforts, progress and dedication of our students.

The presentations included a number of inspirational stories from staff about their nominees, including; students overcoming personal challenges and going above and beyond on their chosen courses with exemplary attendance and hard work.


Freya Gee

Nominated for Student of the Month in the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Freya has shown inspirational resilience in the face of her recent health issues. Despite managing a challenging medical condition, Freya never lets this stop her studies, always determined to catch up. Freya has not let any setbacks derail her plans, and she has exceeded her target grades and is predicted to achieve some excellent results. Freya’s tutor is incredibly impressed with her personal statement, stating it as one of the best she has ever read. On top of all this, Freya engages in many other extracurricular activities including: work experience with West Midlands Ambulance Service, a job at Stafford Hospital, sports leader, coach and referee, and being a volunteer driver.

Ed Robinson

Nominated to receive the Skills and Technology Student of the Month Award, Ed has made an excellent start to the year. Despite a small setback where he was in hospital for a short period of time, Ed has returned to college with a determination to succeed and has quickly made up lost time. Ed has a clear goal in mind, to become a self-employed electrician, and he is actively pursuing all possible avenues to achieve this. Between working with his father and a weekend job with a solar panel company, Ed has been a pleasure to teach and is an exemplary role model to all.


Ruby Smith

Nominated for Student of the Month in the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Ruby has made an incredibly positive impact on her fellow students since starting at college. Aspiring towards a career in radio presenting, Ruby has shown herself to be a huge inspiration to the group, influencing her peers with her values and characteristics. Ruby volunteers for any and all opportunities, engaging confidently with all participants. Recently, Ruby has undertaken a project for River Island to make a video for them as an entry in a competition, putting her under new pressures and experiencing working with clients first-hand. Ruby has risen to the challenge, impressing her tutor with conduct and motivation.

Congratulations to all other students on their outstanding achievements and the admirable commitment shown to their studies.

Aimee Wilson - Vocational Studies Award

Caoimhe Baldock - Vocational Studies Award

Sam Eggington - Vocational Studies Award

Melissa Corns - Vocational Studies Award

Jake Roberts - Professional Studies Award

Mia Musker - Professional Studies Award

Oliver Scarrott - Professional Studies Award

Charlie Shaw - English and Maths Award

Jade Norman - Apprentice of the Month Award