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Course Code: NRT1183Z

Course Level: Level 3

Study Mode: Apprenticeship

Course Type: Apprenticeships

The topics you will cover whilst training include:
Communication skills, Health and Safety, Safeguarding and a choice of optional topics that are included in your work role for example Taking Physiological Measurements, Support Individuals Access Services and Facilities

Typical job roles include:
Senior health care support workers look after adults in a range of settings, duties will vary accordingly. You may work out in the community, including in people’s homes or in a hospital setting. In most instances your supervisor will be a registered nurse. Some people you support have short term needs; e.g. they have sustained an injury. Others may have long-term conditions which affect them every day, all their lives e.g. asthma, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, dementia, depression, stroke or arthritis. Many people suffer from more than one condition e.g. an older person who has sustained a fall and has a wound that needs regular dressing. Some people will need round the clock care, being able to do very little for themselves, requiring you to look after all their personal needs including feeding, washing, and support with using toilet facilities as well as carrying out clinical tasks like checking their blood pressure or pulse.

The apprentices are to have a clear DBS (Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service) prior to starting.

Typically, candidates need a minimum of 2 GCSEs grade A-C or grade 4 or above in English and maths. If you do not have suitable maths & English grades, you will complete initial assessments to identify if you can achieve Functional Skills at level 2.

To begin with you will be assessed through the completion of the nationally recognised Care Certificate (if not obtained already), the Level 3 Diploma in Clinical Healthcare Support which is achieved through your workplace job role, through assignments set in the classroom sessions to show knowledge and understanding. Then completing the programme with an end point assessment which will only be offered when all of the components of the programme including where applicable the achievement of functional skills maths and English at level 2

This qualification also has an End Point Assessment which includes

  • An observation of practice undertaken in the workplace with questions and answers
  • An evidence portfolio completed by you with an interview

Telephone: 01782 254287 (Newcastle office) or 01785 275660 (Stafford office)

If you successfully achieve all parts of the apprenticeship, your assessor will discuss your next steps to take. Dependent on your roles and responsibilities, this may be the next level of the subject you have been studying already or a different pathway.

While you are on an apprenticeship your employer pays you a salary and supports you whilst you undertake your training

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DfE Expert Training Providers

Results 13%

above national average

What else do I need to know?

On an apprenticeship programme you usually will work for a minimum of 30 hours a week for the employer and then have one day a week at college or designated time in the workplace. Some job roles will require a DBS before starting, you will be advised at interview stage if this is required. Whilst you are on an apprenticeship your employer pays you a salary, this includes all off the job training.