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Full-Time Application Form


Important Notes for Applicants:

If you wish to study A Levels please apply for up to four A Levels, and we will discuss your further options at Interview when you come into College.

We have a number of Applied Certificates (A+ subjects) that can be studied alongside two A Levels.

If you are unsure of what you would like to study you can apply for vocational courses and apprenticeships and they can be added to this form.

Once we have received your application you will be invited in for an interview where you will have the opportunity to discuss your choice of subjects with our subject experts and choose the type of learning (academic/vocational/apprenticeship) that is best suited to you.

Additional Newcastle Courses
Additional Stafford Courses

Personal Details

Please select your correct date of birth

Required Format: 01234 567890

Have you been a UK resident for at least 3 years 
Do you have any criminal convictions? (excluding fixed penalty driving offences) If yes, this will be discussed at your interview

Home Address



Maths Qualification

English Language Qualification

English Literature Qualification

Science Qualification

Do you already know your qualifications?
Known Education Qualifications
Unknown Education Qualifications

Pre-Course Assessment & Guidance

This information, which will be treated with discretion, will help us to improve our support services for students and is also required by the EFA/SFA for statistical purposes.
Please tick which group best describes your ethnic origin
Do you have a disability, sensory impairment, learning difficulty or illness that could make it difficult for you to use the College's facilities?
Are you interested in joining the Academy of Sport?
Are you/have ever been in care?
Do you have an Education, Health & Care Plan (ECHP)?


By signing this form you agree to the information on it being passed to the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and other appropriate bodies. The EFA is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and subsequent revisions allowing it to collect and analyse statistical data and to share information with other bodies for the protection of fraud. Further information about data confidentiality is available on request.

Do you agree?