Multiply project helps podiatry assistant to achieve career goals
Georgina Thomas, a 33-year-old Podiatry Assistant has recently signed up for two FREE numeracy courses offered through the Government's Multiply initiative to enable her to work towards the essential maths qualifications needed to apply to university to study podiatry.
Which Multiply course have you chosen to study at NSCG?
I am currently studying the short Basic Maths for Parents course. I have also recently completed the Multiply Understanding Basic Maths course.
How was maths for you when you were younger?
I failed my GCSE Maths multiple times over the years which is really frustrating. At school, my teachers always commented that I wasn't very good at maths or that I wasn't bothered enough to learn which really wasn't the case. This really impacted my confidence with maths.
What was your motivation for signing up for the Multiply course?
I really want to study for a degree in podiatry and my lack of maths qualifications has proven to be a barrier. Multiply has given me the confidence to actually feel like I can be someone and study at university.

How did you feel on your first day?
Ahead of the first session, I worked myself up so much, that I made myself feel sick! I was shaking and all the bad memories of maths at school came flooding back. I sat on the car park and told myself to just drive off and be happy in the job I was in. I am so glad I didn't and headed into college. On that day and every other lesson, my tutor gave me the confidence to believe in myself, and to feel empowered to take control of my career choices.
How have the courses helped you to think about the future?
Last year, if you had asked me to take my Level 2 Functional Skills Maths exam, I would have said that I'm not good enough and won't pass it.
What's next for you?
I'm now looking to complete the Level 2 Functional skills course and then look to complete higher level study to qualify as a Band 5 Podiatrist.
What advice do you have for other adult learners looking to improve their maths skills?
I can write a million words or more about how amazing the Multiply initiative is. It's made such a difference to my life and to that of my fellow adult learners so I'd recommend the course to anyone.
Find out more about the Multiply project and the courses on offer here.
* Courses are open to Staffordshire residents who pay their Council Tax to Cannock Chase District Council, East Staffordshire Borough Council, Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council, Staffordshire Moorlands District Council, Lichfield District Council, Stafford Borough Council, South Staffordshire District Council and Tamworth Borough Council.