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Course Code: SFAPE011

Course Level: Level 3

Study Mode: Full-Time

Course Type: A Levels and A+ Programmes

Course overview

Explore the role of physical activity in promoting health, fitness, and performance with our A Level Physical Education course. This interdisciplinary program covers a wide range of topics, including exercise physiology, sports psychology, and socio-cultural influences on sport and physical activity. Through practical activities, theoretical study, and critical analysis, students gain insight into the principles of effective coaching, development, and sports performance.

The course is designed to equip learners with both an in depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills relating to scientific, socio-cultural and practical aspects of physical education. The course aims to create confident independent thinkers and effective decision makers who can operate as individuals or as part of a team – all skills that will enable learners to effectively promote themselves as they progress through life.

We offer a flipped learning approach to the curriculum which provides students with the opportunity to learn the basics of topics at home and consolidate learning in the classroom through the following ways; engaging practical activities and research, small group work, a range of learning games and use of the college's intranet: i-site. Progress in learning will be monitored using regular assessments that will be completed in class which will reflect the structure and rigour of the end of course external exams.

Students are expected to be competing in their chosen sport on a regular basis and video evidence will be submitted for practical assessment and external moderation. Your teachers are experienced performers in the fields of swimming, gymnastics and football. Having represented their sports at the highest level, they can help improve your practical grade through regular coaching and participation in the NSCG sports teams. There is also opportunity to represent your sport at the British Colleges Sport National Championships. We also strongly recommend that all students purchase a relevant text book for the course.

You will need a minimum of five GCSEs at grade 5 or above including maths and English Language, in subjects relevant to your A Level or A+ Programme subject choices. You must also play at least one sport at representative level for the duration of this course.

This qualification is linear, which means all students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessment at the end of the two years. Assessment is comprised of three external examinations and two moderated practical based assessments with a verbal evaluation of performance.

Paper 1: (2 hour written exam) 90 marks, Contributes to 30% of final grade.

Physiological factors affecting performance:

  • 1.1 Applied anatomy & physiology
  • 1.2 Exercise Physiology
  • 1.3 Biomechanics

Paper 2: (1 hour written exam) 60 marks. Contributes to 20% of final grade.

Psychological factors affecting performance:

  • 2.1 Skill Acquisition
  • 2.2 Sports psychology

Paper 3: (1 hour written exam) 60 marks. Contributes to 20% of final grade.

Socio-cultural factors affecting performance:

  • 3.1 Sport & Society
  • 3.2 Contemporary issues in physical activity & sport

Non-exam assessment (internal assessment, external moderation). Contributes to 30% of final grade.

  • 4.1 Practical performance or coach in full-sided fully-competitive activity
  • 4.2 Verbal analysis of a peer’s performance (EAPI)

If you wish to find out more you can contact Hannah Dale by emailing:

Successful completion of the course gives you a qualification that is accepted for entry into Higher Education for studies in a variety of Physical Education related fields including primary and secondary teaching, sports science, physiotherapy, sports therapy, sports psychology and physiology.

This course is free for anyone aged 16 – 18. 

College Maintenance Allowance (CMA): Anyone with a household income under £26,000 can receive up to £20 per week financial support to help pay for travel and meals and meet the costs of essential trips, books, stationery and equipment. The payments will be subject to full attendance on your course. A range of other financial support is available, depending on your personal circumstances. For more details visit

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What else do I need to know?

We offer a range of compulsory and optional trips/talks on our A level PE programme to further your understanding of PE in a wider context of sport. These include; ski trip during Easter, National Football Museum, biomechanics/physio talks and a day trip to the University of Central Lancashire to experience some of the best sport science facilities in the country. Any students competing at county level or above in their chosen sport have the opportunity to enrol on to the Elite Sports Performance Programme where they have access to sports massage, subsidised gym and kit.

We also have a partnership with Derby University as part of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme. This again is for county level or above athletes who have access to world class facilities, coaching, kit/equipment and subsidised university fees. We take students on regular trips for strength and conditioning and fitness testing sessions and sport psychology talks.

Think of what you're capable of. Then think beyond it.

Step up to a top university or move into a competitive programme like Medicine or Law with our Honours Programme. Perfect for ambitious and high-achieving students.

The Honours Programme is an additional pathway for students whose aspirations are to progress onto highly competitive courses at top universities, such as those in the Russell Group. Once accepted onto the programme, you’ll be expected to commit extra time every week to this intensive support pathway.

Find out more here