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Get to know your Newcastle College SU President


Let’s get to know the NSCG Students' Union (SU) Team for 2023/24! Read on to find out more about what your new officers want to achieve in their roles this year and discover a few fun facts about them too…

Find out more about Newcastle College's SU President, Sharon Owusu.

Name: Sharon Owusu

Role: SU President, Newcastle College

Studying: Level 3 Health and Social Care

Former school: E.F Bellavitis in Italy

Why did you run for the position?

I decided to run for the position of student president because I want to make a positive impact on the student community, be a voice for my peers and work to improve students experience in the college.

What are your aims?

The main thing I am aiming for right now is to help students on having a memorable experience here at NSCG. To achieve this I’m collaborating with our student services and Students’ Union officers to create new events and to bring back some old projects for previous years.

What are you looking forward to over the next 12 months?

I am looking forward to making a positive difference in the college and I look forward to getting involved in lots of events and creating opportunities to ensure a memorable experience for myself and my peers. Personally, my aims are to get good grades in my college work and to apply to university.

What’s your favourite thing about studying at NSCG?

My favourite thing about studying at NSCG is that the teachers are super supportive. They always find time and make the effort to speak with students to offer guidance if needed and in class they are helpful too.

Tell us a random fact about yourself

Something that people find interesting about me is that I can speak Italian, Twi and English fluently. I have been in the UK for nearly 2 years but went to high school in Italy.

What 5 words would your friends use to describe you?

Determined, honest, professional, punctual and a leader

What are your hobbies / interests?

I have lots of hobbies. I like rugby, football, swimming, cycling and I also love to read.

What’s your favourite NSCG hangout?

I like spending time in the library because is quiet most of the time and I can find a lot of resources that i need to help me study and complete my work. Also, the staff in there are really nice and friendly.

What is your favourite quote?

"If you don’t fail, you’re not even trying.” - Denzel Washington