Sport and Exercise Science student becomes three time National Multi Weight Champion
Level 3 Sport and Exercise Science student, Ava Doherty, won the Youth 75KG title at the National Association of Boys and Girl Clubs (NABGC) Boxing Championship on Sunday 24th November.
Ava headed into the final uncontested and went on to beat her opponent, the experienced Madison Stubbington-Bartlett from Sussex’ Panthers Gym, making her three time National Multi Weight Champion.
Ava’s Head Coach, Dave Buxton, said: “Ava’s performance today is a testament to her fitness, she was non-stop punching. She is very strong and technically sound, proving to be a real force to be reckoned with since taking up boxing two years ago.”
Ava, who boxes out of Stoke Staffs ABC, is on England Boxing's Performance Pathway, which aims to deliver effective and inclusive coaching and opportunities so that every boxer has the chance to fulfil their potential.
Speaking about Ava, Stoke Staffs ABC secretary Liz Buxton, said: “One minute she's all hair and nails, and then the next she gloves and gum shield. It’s crazy!"
This win follows the success she had at the Manchester Box Cup in June, where she was crowned champion in the 70KG Youth Elite category. She is now setting her sights on the Youth National Championships early in 2025.